So this morning, I did my routine sign-in of Google Talk in the AM to catch up with my fellow 9-5 friends and when I logged in, I noticed that someone added me to their chat list. I didn't recognize the name, but nonetheless, I clicked 'Accept' just in case I did know the person. The conversation went something like this:
XXXX: hey u!
Amara S.: hey, who's this?
XXXX: i'm really bored. not much going on.
Amara S.: yeah, i guess not much usually goes on at 7 in the morning
XXXX: 22/f, u?
...and that's when I blocked her.
So there were a few things I didn't understand about this situation:
1. This is 2012. Not 1996. I haven't heard the reference to "a/s/l" in like fifteen years. Who randomly looks for people to chat with anymore, outside of chat rooms (if those even still exist...?)? I was almost shocked that she didn't write with alternating capital and lowercase letters...
2. How do you even find someone on Google Talk? Is there some directory that everyone is listed in, like back in the AOL days?
3. Even if there is some type of name directory on Google, what on earth would provoke someone to chat with me? I don't even have one of those cutesy or provocative names like "KoalaBear123" "TooHot4U." My user name is "asriranganathan" which is as unappealing as an ethnically South Asian name can get.
If anyone can provide me with some insight regarding this perplexing situation, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.