Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year. Old Me.

Let’s be real. New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. I’m not going to drastically be some new person between December 31st at 11:59 PM and January 1st at 12:01 AM. In fact, I was the same person, just a tad bit more woozy with that extra large sip of Moet [I had to throw that in there to validate my ballin’ status slash depleting bank account].  

The problem with New Year’s Resolutions is that it forces people to think they are going to make a significant change in their lives when they are really not mentally prepared for the change. From my experiences, when you want to make a large enough life change, you will.  You will get out of the awful relationship you’re in when you realize enough is enough...or maybe you never will.  You’ll stop dating the same scumbags when you’ve been hurt enough and/or you’ve gone through some form of therapy. You’ll start dieting when you see that awful photo of yourself in a dress you thought you looked cute in. Or when you go to the doctor and find out there is a health risk associated with your weight. Maybe that coincidentally falls on January 1st. But more likely than not, your life-changing epiphany will end up being February 18th or March 13th of September 27th of not 2013, but 2018 or maybe 2030.

What I hate the most are fitness resolutions, and that’s mostly for my own selfish reasons.  I absolutely DESPISE going to the gym between January 2nd and mid-February because of all the clowns that think they are going to make a huge shift in their lives because of some arbitrary change in the lunar calendar. And for that reason, I have to wait an absurd amount of time awkwardly twiddling my thumbs in the corner for a treadmill or for a set of free weights.  Until I finally decide that I’d much rather run outside in twenty degree weather even if my legs get so cold that I can’t feel them move during my run. I wish American New Year fell on the same day as Sri Lankan New Year…  I would experience much more enjoyable outdoor fitness excursions in mid-April vs. January.

As you can see, my cynicism continues into the New Year.  So for those of you who thought you’d get a whole new me and a whole new blog, sorry. And I still probably won’t write in it more than once a month because I’m not inherently ready for that much of a commitment. Maybe that will happen on September 27th, 2018 when I realize no one is reading it anymore because I’m so inconsistent with my writing frequency.  :)

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